How to set timing 1991 chevy

How to set the timing on a 1997 350 Chevy
How to set the timing on a 1997 350 Chevy
Chevyyou don't the ECM will do it for you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx You need to set the base timing on any car/truck that has a distributor. There is a tan/black

Chevy Engine Timing
How to set the timing on a 1989 Chevy.
Chevrolet hat für jeden Bedarf das passende Auto. Jetzt informieren!
04.10.2008 · Best Answer: You did not say what year you have. Hear is the deal Distributor tooth location has nothing to do with timing, all it does is change the
Setting Timing On Chevy 350
06.10.2011 · I have a 1991 Camaro RS. The person i bought it from did a engine swap with a 1989 chevy 350, bored .030 over Edel brock performer RPM dual plane intake
Answer I presume it has a dizzy "Yes" well near the firewall directly above the dizzy there should be a plug hanning out of the loom unplug it & set the timing on
How to get timing set on chevy 350?.
Chevy Distributor Timing 350 Timing Set